Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Reflex sports supplements - a mainstream market

As the world of sports supplements is becoming ever more mainstream, the opportunities to strengthen the relationship that you have with your clients increases. Supplements used in conjunction with the correct exercise routine can help your clients achieve their goals and your retention levels.

The one key issue at the moment is the need to make supplements as accessible as possible in the eyes of the potential users, many of whom feel that "Supplements are only for bodybuilders". At Reflex, the brand is presented in a way that means it is very mainstream in its appeal and is supported by literature that helps educate both staff and clients.

Our range of products includes generic health supplements such as multi-vitamins, anti-oxidants and fish oils through to protein powders and more advanced training supplements.

Our unique holographic packaging has a proven ability to increase sales and draw in passing trade when used in window displays and our quality and price points means that we are widely regarded as the 'only choice'.

For more information, please call Karl Schwick on 01273 711616 ext.1005

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